OSU Mathematics Seminars and Colloquia
Wed, Mar 17, 2021
Topology Seminar
3:30 PM
Arithmetic invariants of Dehn surgery points
Nicholas Rouse, Rice University
Host: Neil Hoffman
Contact Neil Hoffman for the seminar link.
[Abstract] [PDF]
Abstract: Associated to an orientable, finite volume hyperbolic 3-orbifold is a number field and a quaternion algebra over that field. Such quaternion algebras are classified up to isomorphism by their ramification sets, which is a finite set of prime ideals and embeddings into the real numbers. Chinburg, Reid, and Stover show that orbifolds obtained by Dehn surgery on knots whose Alexander polynomial satisfies some condition have quaternion algebras ramifying above a finite number of rational primes. However, computer experiment suggests that knots that do not satisfy this Alexander polynomial condition have surgeries ramifying above infinitely many distinct primes. We prove this is the case for a family of twist knots and one knot not in that family.
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