OSU Mathematics Seminars and Colloquia
Mon, Oct 23, 2023
Graduate Student Seminar
4:30 PM
MSCS 445
Witten deformation and Morse inequalities on singular spaces
Gayana Jayasinghe, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Host: Preston Kelley
This is a virtual talk. Zoom link TBA.
[Abstract] [PDF]
Abstract: Morse theory is an important tool in understanding the topology of spaces. In his classic paper, "Supersymmetry and Morse theory", Witten gave a novel take on Morse theory which has been the motivation for various developments in many areas of mathematics and physics. I will discuss a generalization of the Morse inequalities to stratified pseudomanifolds. I'll also explain some corollaries, including versions of the Arnold-Floer theorem in L2 cohomology, focusing on how the singularities change the formulations of these results. This is based on part of the work in https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.15845.
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