This is the website for the members of the Department of Mathematics and contains information about the operations of the department: committees, policy documents, etc. Most documents are only available to those with accounts. For the public website of the Mathematics Department go to

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Computing, Emailing Lists, and the Two Mathematics Department Websites

Faculty, staff and teaching assistants have access to computers in their offices. Basic office software, LaTeX, and some mathematics software are usually installed. For assistance with these machines, the shared printers, and software contact the part-time student tech (744-2968 or If this help is not available, you can also contact the College technical help. (See the College links in the top menu.)

If you have computing needs that require more computational capability than your office computer, contact Dr. Dana Brunson about using the high performance facilities.

The Mathematics Department has two websites. supplies information about the department for the general university population and public. This website is primarily for those affiliated with the department. To find out more about this site, the announce system and ways of informing colleagues of events, login to this website and consult the User Guide to the Mathematics Intranet.


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