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List of all graduate students

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To visit the person's information page click on the name.

Last Namesort descending First name Rank Phone (Area 405) Office Email
Asaro Laura Graduate Student 744-8133 MS 438 laura.asaro
Ayers Zachery Graduate Student 744-8133 MS 438 zachery.ayers
Bhat Ashwini Graduate Student 744-8049 MS 440 ashwini.bhat
Bilogliadov Mykhailo Graduate Student 405-744-2913 MS 439 mykhail
Boardman Nicki Graduate Student MS 431 nicki.boardman
Bodiford Hailey Graduate Student 744-1759 MS 501 hailey.bodiford
Brun Cara Graduate Student 744-1759 MS 501 cara.brun
Chorge Shashank Graduate Student 744-7995 MS 443 chorge
Doehle Phillip Graduate Student 744-2904 MS 419 doehle
Edalgo Steven Graduate Student 744-2291 MS 412 edalgo
Estrup Adam Graduate Student 744-7220 MS 413 adam.estrup
Giannopoulos Andreas Graduate Student 744-7995 MS 443 agianno
Grigsby Travis Graduate Student 744-2282 MS 408 travimg
Hader Scott Graduate Student 744-2284 MS 409 scott.hader
Jahanbahkt Nasfiseh Graduate Student 744-9316 MS 418
Johnston Stephanie Graduate Student 744-2294 MS 442 stephanie.johnston
Kong Yuan Graduate Student 744-7220 MS 413 yuan.kong
Larson Scott Graduate Student 744-8049 MS 440 scott.larson
Malcom Alek Graduate Student 744-2913 MS 439 alekzam
Mandlik Nishad Graduate Student 744-2282 MS 408 nishad.mandlik
McCormick Jonathan Graduate Student 744-1759 MS 501 jonathan.mccormick
Meadors Chase Graduate Student 744-2294 MS 442 chase.meadors
Owens Sarah Graduate Student 744-2284 MS 409 osarahm
Pandey Apiu Graduate Student 744-2904 MS 419 uddhaba
Pirhadi Ali Graduate Student 744-7220 MS 413 pirhadi
Sacco David Graduate Student 744-2291 MS 412 dsacco
Simmons Courtney Graduate Student 744-1759 MS 501 courtney.simmons
Towers Eric Graduate Student 744-1759 MS 501 eric.towers
Uscanga Rosaura Graduate Student 744-2913 MS 439 rosaura.uscanga
Williams Nina Graduate Student 744-9316 MS 418 nina.l.williams
Wilson Matthew Graduate Student 744-1759 MS 501 matthew.h.wilson
Wood Rachael Graduate Student 744-2307 MS 432 rachael.wood
Xiao Bei Graduate Student 744-2294 MS 442 bei.xiao
Xie Xiaoju (Sophia) Graduate Student 744-5688 MS 518 sophia.xie
Xie Bin Graduate Student 744-2291 MS 412 bin.xie
Xu Pengcheng Graduate Student 744-2284 MS 409 pengcheng.xu
Yagizel Reyhan Graduate Student 744-2282 MS 408 reyhan.yagizel
Yan Pan Graduate Student 744-2284 MS 409 pyan
Yeager Aaron Graduate Student 744-2307 MS 432 aaron.yeager
Zhang Jianou Graduate Student 744-2904 MS 419 jianou
Zhang Mingming (Kyla) Graduate Student 744-2307 MS 432 mingmiz

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