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List of all lecturers and visiting faculty

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Last Namesort descending First name Rank Phone (Area 405) Office Email
Davis Connor Lecturer 744-2304 MS 435 connojd
Dearinger Kathy Lecturer 744-1801 MS 513 kathy.dearinger
DiPasquale Michael Visiting Assistant Professor 744-5541 MS 420 mdipasq
Dosev Detelin Visiting Assistant Professor 744-5787 MS 528 dosev
Eisenberg Andrew Visiting Assistant Professor 744-8240 MS 524 andy.eisenberg
French Janice Lecturer 744-1802 MS 512 janice.french
Haraway Robert Visiting Assistant Professor
Harmon Stacee Lecturer 744-2302 MS 436 hstacee
Johnson Benjamin Visiting Assistant Professor
Kighuradze David Lecturer 744-8412 MS 431 kighura
Kim Sin-Mi Lecturer
Martin Jason Visiting Assistant Professor 744-1800 MS 511 jason.h.martin
Moss Gilbert Visiting Assistant Professor 744-4952 MS 506 gil.moss
Petty Gerry Lecturer 744-1802 MS 512 gerri.petty
Quinn Emily Lecturer 744-8412 MS 431 emily.quinn
Ramachandran Koushik Visiting Assistant Professor 744-1803 MS 531 koushik.ramachandran
Schirmer Trenton Lecturer 744-2304 MS 435 trent.schirmer
Stapleton David Lecturer 744-2302 MS 436 david.stapleton
Strande Karen Lecturer 744-2302 MS 436 karen.strande
Tallman Michael Visiting Assistant Professor 744-5479 MS 417 michael.tallman
Thomas Nacoe Lecturer 744-5688 nacoe.thomas
Wang Xiao-Jun Visiting Assistant Professor 744-7791 MS 523
Weaver John Lecturer 744-5688 john.weaver
Wyser Benjamin Visiting Assistant Professor
Yang Zhao Visiting Assistant Professor 744-4953 MS 507

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