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Homepage of Math User

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Homepage of Math User

Research Interests:

Dysfunctional analysis, ultracomplex analysis


  1. My big result, to appear in the Journal of Really Great Stuff

  2. Another paper on $\Sigma$-hypercontractive whatsits, The Dilbert Journal, 3, 2009, p 20-21.


  1. Using a TI-84 plus to find the number of subspaces of a quasi-real snark.
  2. My solved problems


Spring 2016
Course and Section Type Room Days/Times
Math 1212 Section 004 Discussion MSCS 614 TR 1:30-2:20
Math 1212 Section 010 Discussion MSCS 704 WF 9:30-10:20
Math 2929 Lecture MSCS -101 MWF 8:30-9:20


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