This is the website for the members of the Department of Mathematics and contains information about the operations of the department: committees, policy documents, etc. Most documents are only available to those with accounts. For the public website of the Mathematics Department go to

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Website for Faculty and Staff of the Department of Mathematics

This site has been reconstructed for internal use and access to many pages is restricted to current faculty, staff and graduate students in the department. Login to view these pages.

Note: This site is independent of the Okey system so your Okey password is only your password here if you set your Mathematics Intranet password to be the same each time you update your Okey password.

Logging In

If you know your user name and password, use the login link in the top portion of the page. (This link is only visible when you are not logged in.)

If you have forgotten your user name and are listed in the Directory, find your name and click on the Last Name link. You will be shown your basic account profile and user name.

If you know your user name, but do not know your password, go to the login page and request a one-time login. A link will be sent to the designated email address for your account.

If you have a need for an account on this site, e.g., because you are working on a project with someone in the department, contact the webmaster with your request and justification.


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