This is the website for the members of the Department of Mathematics and contains information about the operations of the department: committees, policy documents, etc. Most documents are only available to those with accounts. For the public website of the Mathematics Department go to

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C. J. Clark, Ph.D. 1953, Returns for a Visit


Awards Ceremony 2010

On April 27, 2010 the mathematics department held its annual awards ceremony.


Newsletter 2009



Award Ceremony 2009

Each year Department of Mathematics recognizes a few undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated particular achievements and accomplishments at our Annual Award Ceremony. This year the ceremony was held on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 preceded by a reception in honor of the award recipients as well as those friends of the Department whose generosity has made these awards possible. The continued support of our friends helps a new generation of researchers and teachers emerge.


News from the Undergraduate Program

The Undergraduate Committee this year consisted of Benny Evans, Marvin Keener, Ning Ju, and Lisa Mantini. Lisa also served as faculty advisor to the Math Club. Two of our new courses officially came online this year. They Partial Differential Equations (MATH 4263), which supports both our pure and applied mathematics programs, and Mathematical Interest Theory (MATH 4453), which supports our financial mathematics program. Both of these courses have been taught recently under temporary numbers, but are now on our permanent course rotation.


News from the Graduate Program

There have been many changes to our graduate program this year. For the first time, our department has a team of two graduate coordinators, Alan Noell and Leticia Barchini. Our priority is to provide individualized guidance to each of our students. We are committed to recruiting the strongest possible students to our program, and to encouraging and supporting them through their learning process.


Head Way 2009


What is America's Highest Rated Job?

A report released this year has ranked Mathematician as the number one job! The report compared a large number of different occupations, using multiple criteria including stress level, work environment, renumeration, and opportunities for advancement, and Mathematician came out on top of all the other jobs that were considered. The number two and three jobs (Actuary and Statistician) also rely heavily on mathematics, as do several other jobs in the top ten.


Teaching College Algebra More Effectively


It's All About Dogs



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