Here are some links to helpful and interesting information.
Academic News and Information
Extracurricular Activities
- The
Putnam Exam
held every fall on the first Saturday in December.
OSU's signup deadline is October 8, but there are usually
extra exams so feel free to come even if you did not
sign up. Email Dr. Wright at wrightd (at) for
He is holding problem-solving practice sessions
Tuesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm in MS 405 starting September 30.
- The Mathematical Contest in
Modeling is held during the first week in February, with
a sign-up deadline in early January. Teams of three
students each compete from the Math Department in solving an
applied mathematical problem and writing a paper explaining their
solution. See Dr. Mantini for more information or to sign up
a team.
Career and Summer Internship Information
- The National Security Agency is the country's largest employer of
mathematicians. They sponsor the
Director's Summer Program,
which is very competitive, and several other programs.
The application is in mid-October,
to allow time for candidates to undergo a security clearance.
Positions are open to US citizens only.
- Summer
Undergraduate Laboratory Internships in mathematics and the
sciences at Department of Energy Laboratories (for majors in mathematics
education as well as mathematics and science majors)
- Research
Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Sites for Summer 2009
- Apply to be a counselor at a summer camp for gifted high school
students. One such program is PROMYS,
the Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists at Boston University.
(It is run by Professor Glenn Stevens, a friend of Dr. Mantini and
Dr. Wright.)
- A very interesting summer program for women is the
Program for Women in
Mathematics sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study and
Princeton University. Dr. Mantini was the lead lecturer in May 1998.
(You can find other summer programs by just searching on google, for
- Information on
Actuarial summer
internships is maintained by the Casualty Actuarial Society
- College of Arts and Sciences Career Services
- The MAA maintains a page of links with
Career Information
for Math Majors
- There is a mid-October deadline for applications
for several
scholarships and awards for both undergraduate and graduate
study including the
- Goldwater Scholarship
- Udall Scholarship
- Truman Scholarship
- Rhodes Scholarship
- Gates Scholarship
- Marshall Scholarship
- Office of Scholar
- Strong undergraduates planning to apply to doctoral programs in
math, science or engineering should apply to the National Science
Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) for full support for several
years. The Math Deadline is in early November.
- The Knowles Science Teaching
Foundation offers scholarships for study and research for
undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals in science
and math education.
There are several annual conferences that provide professional
development opportunities for Math students including the chance
to speak about research results, hear interesting talks on diverse
mathematical subjects, and learn about many aspects of our
- The
Joint Mathematics Meetings every January are the annual
meeting for the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical
Association of America, and Pi Mu Epsilon, among
many others. There are many activities for students including
a poster session.
Next year the meeting will be held in San Francisco, California
from January 13-16, 2010. The deadline for requests to speak
and submission of abstracts is usually in mid-September.
- TORUS, the Texas and Oklahoma Regional Undergraduate
Symposium in Mathematics, meets every February. This year's meeting
was at Abilene Christian University on February 28, 2009.
Activities include 15-minute student talks, a keynote speaker, Math Jeopardy,
and student prizes. Funding is available for
interested students. See Dr. Mantini if you are interested.
- The Oklahoma-Arkansas
Section of the MAA has its annual
meeting in late March. The meeting alternates between Arkansas
in even years and Oklahoma in odd years. In 2010 the meeting
will be on March 26-27 at John Brown University in Siloam
Springs, Arkansas.
Students may give
talks, hear many interesting lectures, and compete in a Math Jeopardy
contest and an Integration Bee. Funding is usually
available. The abstract submission deadline for talks is usually
in late January.
- The annual Mathfest is the annual meeting of Pi Mu
Epsilon and the MAA. It takes place in early August every year.
This year's date is August 6-8, 2009 in Portland, Oregon.
Pi Mu Epsilon has funding for student delegates and speakers from
every chapter. Funding applications are usually due in June
preceding the meeting.
Professional Societies