Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
The Mathematical Association of America
is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible
at the undergraduate level.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Mathematics.
For 2009-2010, members in OSU's Math Club may join the MAA for
This includes subscriptions to the excellent undergraduate journal
Math Horizons,
the MAA's Newsletter FOCUS,
and membership in the Oklahoma-Arkansas
section of the MAA.
The MAA is known for publishing other excellent journals which are
slightly more advanced mathematically than Math Horizons.
Subscriptions are available for $37 each for student chapter members to
Mathematics Magazine and
The College Math Journal,
and for $56 to the MAa's premier journal
The American Mathematical Monthly.
Copies of these journals are available for inspection in the Math Reading
Room on the south end of the fifth floor of MSCS and in the Edmon Low Library.
The MAA is known as an outstanding publisher of mathematical books which
include advanced monographs, textbooks, and popular works of interest
to students and others. Their publications are for sale in their
Bookstore, and members get a discount! Check out the
Problem Books Series if you are preparing for the Putnam Exam! Oh, and did we
mention that the MAA sponsors the Putnam Exam as well as the American
Math Competitions (AMC 8, 10, and 12) that you may have taken in high
school? The MAA also sells some nice
merchandise with the MAA logo that might be fun for members.
Another benefit of MAA membership is the ability to take advantage
of professional development opportunities through the numerous
and conferences they sponsor. The annual meeting called
Mathfest will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Dr. Mantini's home town!)
in August 2010.
It includes meetings of additional societies such as Pi Mu Epsilon
and has plenty of activities for students from opportunities to talk about
your own projects and research to talks by the country's leading mathematicians
and mathematics teachers to the Math Jeopardy contest. The MAA's Oklahoma
Arkansas section sponsors its own annual
meeting every
spring, usually the
last weekend of March, which alternates between Arkansas in even years
and Oklahoma in odd.
To join the MAA at the discounted student rate, simply fill out the
application form and return it along
with your payment to Dr. Mantini's Office (MS 410) or bring it to our next
Math Club meeting.