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Newsletter 2011



News from the Graduate Director, by Alan Noell


C. J. Clark, Ph.D. 1953, Returns for a Visit


Awards Ceremony 2010

On April 27, 2010 the mathematics department held its annual awards ceremony.


Topology Conference and William Jaco's 70th Birthday

June 4-6, 2010 a conference was held at OSU in honor of Regents and Grayce B. Kerr Professor William Jaco. Professor Jaco has been a major contributor to theory of three-manifolds. In addition Professor Jaco was head of the department of mathematics at OSU, 1982-1988, Executive Director of the American Mathematical Society, 1988-1995, and then returned to OSU as Kerr Professor.


2008 High School Math Contest

Contestants in the 2008 OSU High School Math ContestThe Mathematics Department held its annual High School Math Contest on October 8, 2008. The contest was a great success, with more than 200 students from Oklahoma and surrounding states taking part. Impressively, the first place winner, Irving Dai of the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics in Oklahoma City, made a perfect score on the exam.


Hermann Burchard Retires

Hermann BurchardHermann Burchard retired from OSU in the summer of 2008 after thirty-six years of service. Hermann was a mainstay of the Applied Mathematics program at OSU. For many years he was the only person on the faculty who taught Numerical Analysis, and many hundreds of students of mathematics and engineering were influenced by his dedication to high academic standards and his orientation towards the applications of mathematics.


Professor Lisa Mantini Selected for Advising Award

Professor Lisa Mantini will be recognized as the  Outstanding A&S Faculty Advisor for 2009 at the College of Arts and Sciences Awards Banquet on April 24, 2009.


News from the Postdoctoral Program

One of the features that distinguishes the mathematics department at OSU from comparable departments elsewhere is our postdoctoral program. We value this program very highly and have struggled to keep it going even when budget constraints have made this difficult. Postdoctoral faculty are usually young researchers within a few years of earning their Ph.D. who join our faculty for between one and three years before seeking positions elsewhere.


Newsletter 2009




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