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Polly McLachlan (1929-2008)

Martha (Polly) McLachlan died on November 25, 2008. A complete obituary can be found in the Stillwater Newspress archives.

Polly McLachlan was the wife of former faculty member E.K. McLachlan. Professor McLachlan advised many graduate students and a fellowship  named for him is presented each year. For many years after the death of Professor McLachlan, Polly attended the annual awards ceremony and helped with the presentation of the McLachlan award.


Jeanne Agnew Featured in MAA Focus

In the August - September 2008 issue of MAA Focus former faculty member Professor Jeanne Agnew (1913-2000) is described and some of her work is highlighted. A guide to her work is also available.


Vaughn and Southwestern Bell Professors Appointed

Professor Alan Adolphson was named Vaughn Professor by the OSU Regents today. The Vaughn Professorship was funded by the Vaughn Foundation to support research in number theory. Professor Adolphson is the author of more than forty papers. His work concerns cohomological computations over p-adic fields, Newton polyhedra and generalized hypergeometric functions.


Promotions Approved June 20, 2008

Birne Binegar and Jiahong Wu were promoted to the rank of full professor at the June meeting of the OSU Regents. Professor Binegar has research interests in representation theory and, in particular, in using computer algebra systems to discover and establish new results in the field. Professor Wu is interested in the solution of partial differential equations that model fluid flow, weather phenomena and other physical systems. One of the most famous equations that he studies is the Navier-Stokes equation for fluids.


Math Modeling Team Honored

Math Contest in Modeling Team members Jack Knorr, Lauren Smith, and Carlos Bernal earned an Honorable Mention in this year's competition.


Math 2153 Course Syllabi - Summer 2011


The grading, attendance and drop policies for this course.


Math 2153 Course Syllabi - Fall 2010


The grading, attendance and drop policies for this course. A test schedule may be included.


Math 2153 Sections 001 and 002 Course Syllabi - Summer 2010


The grading, attendance and drop policies for this class. A test schedule is included in each syllabus.


Award Ceremony 2009

Each year Department of Mathematics recognizes a few undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated particular achievements and accomplishments at our Annual Award Ceremony. This year the ceremony was held on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 preceded by a reception in honor of the award recipients as well as those friends of the Department whose generosity has made these awards possible. The continued support of our friends helps a new generation of researchers and teachers emerge.



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