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A.B., Cornell U., 1977; Part III, Cambridge U., 1978; A.M./Ph.D., Harvard, 1982. His primary interest is the study of the properties of algebraic number fields, in particular, those properties (discriminants, class-numbers, regulators) that can be studied with tools from the theory of algebraic matrix groups. This theory dates back to the work of Gauss on the theory of equivalence of binary integral quadratic forms. He also studies the theory of Riemann surfaces and Kleinian groups, a subfield of complex analysis. Surprisingly, many concepts in algebraic number theory have very precise analogues in the theory of surfaces. He is particularly interested in the properties of limit sets of Kleinian groups and in the shape of Teichmuller space, which is a kind of parameter space for Riemann surfaces. See Indra's Pearls, (Mumford, Series, Wright).
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